

September 1, 2007

Welcome to the first issue of the CoGri Group corporate newsletter, CoGri News.

As a valued customer, our free Newsletter offers you information-at-a-glance on CoGri news, new services and products. We hope that you will find the contents both informative and useful.

Future copies of CoGri News will be published on a quarterly basis. The next issue will be available in December.

Please feel free to forward CoGri News to your associates if you think they may benefit from the Newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive further copies of CoGri News, please un-register from our Newsletter at any time. Please select the relevant options, located at the end of this Newsletter.

Please do contact us should you have any queries or would like further information about our services and products.

Thank you for your continued interest and support. We hope to be working with you again soon.

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